Prenatal Supplements are an essential part of Pregnancy Nutrition. These Prenatal Vitamins can bridge the nutrient gaps in the diet of a pregnant lady and improve the pregnancy outcomes. Several Nutrients, such as Iron, Folate, Calcium, Iodine, Magnesium, Omega-3 and other Multi Micronutrients are required to ensure good health of the mother & adequate development of the baby. However, most Prenatal Vitamins only supplement Iron, Folate and Calcium, making the pregnant mother vulnerable to nutrient deficiencies. Omega-3s are another important nutrient that might not be there in your regular prenatal, and the ones that have it are usually non vegetarian. India’s most advanced Prenatal Vitamin Brand, Trimacare is making Vegetarian Omega 3 available to Indian Pregnant Ladies in their unique Trimester-wise Prenatal Vitamin course. The 20 plus nutrients in one tablet make consumption of Prenatal Tablets easier, and the formulation based upon the guidelines of WHO & ICMR mee...