The Importance of Calcium in Pregnancy: Best Options for 2024
Pregnancy is a beautiful journey that demands attention to health and nutrition. One of the most critical nutrients during this time is calcium. Ensuring adequate calcium in pregnancy is essential for the mother and the developing baby. It is crucial for preventing pre-eclampsia, pre-term birth, hypertension, and neonatal mortality. Calcium in pregnancy plays a pivotal role in developing strong bones and teeth in the growing baby, ensuring proper skeletal formation and reducing the risk of developmental issues. For the mother, calcium helps maintain bone density and supports muscle function which is essential during the physically demanding phases of pregnancy and childbirth. Adequate calcium intake is important during the last trimester of pregnancy, as this is when your baby undergoes rapid growth and has the greatest need for calcium. This blog delves into the importance of calcium in pregnancy and explores the best options for 2024, including calcium-rich foods and calcium t...